A MAP’s Tale


A MAP’S TALE is a theatre piece which premiered at Theater unterm Dach, Berlin in February 2023.


The piece is inspired by the life of Adam, a non-offending paedophile and a MAP (Minor Attracted Person), whose story is documented in the podcast ‘This American Life’, episode ‘Help Wanted: Tarred & Feathered’ by Luke Malone. It depicts a young boy who goes through puberty discovering his sexual orientation is focused on children.


I was asked to get involved with this project as a script consultant and contributor.  Because of my status as a survivor of CSA and my experience in making artistic work on the topic, I also wrote the voice of the CSA survivor character.


This project was supported by the prevention project ‘Dunkelfeld’ of Charité Berlin, Hänsel + Gretel Child Protection Foundation, ZePPra Foundation and Theater unterm Dach.